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Department of History & Political Science

Other Activities

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Freedom Wall Department of History and Political Science

Department of History and Political Science as a part of Azadi ka Amrit Maholsav portrayed a ‘Freedom Wall’ in the campus in association with Higher Education Department of Kerala on 10th August 2022-12th August 2022. Details A s part of the Azadi ka Amrit Maholsav, Higher Education Department of Kerala has conducted ‘Freedom Wall’ depicting the freedom movement of India on the college walls. Mercy College, Palakkad has also participated in the event conducted from 10.8.22-12.8.22. 25 students from various departments worked 15 hours for the completion of ‘Freedom Wall’. The wall was of 40 feet length and 5 feet breadth. Principal of Mercy College, Dr. Gisala George inaugurated the event and the department of History supervised and coordinated the programme. Key highlights and other observations Students from various departments participated in the freedom wall depiction. The wall given visual knowledge to the students about Indian independence struggle. The wall was a platform to many students for the expression of their skill of painting and to appreciate and commemorate the unsung heroic deeds of freedom fighters of India.