
PG Department of English & Centre for Comparitive Studies

CUBA (Curriculum Based Activities)

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Certificate course on Cultivation practices and value added products from Mushrooms

As a part of curriculum and certificate course, sixty one students of first year and second year degree classes have undergone a hands-on training in mushroom cultivation at Integrated Rural Technology Centre (IRTC), Mundur on 15/11/2022. In addition, the students have visited the Research Laboratories, Deco pottery, vermi and Bio composting unit, Hydroponics and Aquaponics in IRTC to upgrade their knowledge towards eco-friendly process Adminstrative officer gave a lecture talk on –“An overview of the facilities implemented in IRTC” to the students. Adminstrative officer gave a lecture talk on –“An overview of the facilities implemented in IRTC” to the students. The experts in each division have explained the methodology and techniques adopted in their laboratories. The mushroom cultivation by the students started by making mushroom bags with sterile (boiled) straws and filling it with spawn. The bag was hanged in the mushroom house situated in the botanical garden of Mercy College, Palakkad