05-10-2024 It's the "Grand Finale" on 5th October 2024. Welcome all to the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations @ 2pm          NAVARANG - Celebration of 60 Years of Excellence          

Anti Drug Day


Anti Drug Day

On the 26th of June 2024, students from the Department of Physicsundertook an Anti-drug awareness campaign in a neighboring Government school.This initiative was aligned with the International Day against Drug Abuse andIllicit Trafficking. Our team of 20 students and 3 teachers visitedGovernment High School, Vennakkara. Students caught the attention of childrenthrough a dance drama and used it as a mean to convey the message of badeffects of using drugs. We reached an audience of approximately 400 students inthe schools. The Principal of the institution appreciated Mercians for theirunwavering dedication to the betterment of society.