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About Department of Economics & Sociology

METS (Mercy Extension Activities)

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The Department of Economics and Sociology, Mercy College Palakkad in association with ‘Sahajeevanam’ palliative care has observed the palliative care day titled “SanthwanaParicharanam” on January 16, 2023. Dr. LijiKT, Head of the department, welcomed the gathering. The programme was inaugurated by Reverential principal Dr Sr. Jorry T F. Mr Gireesh, a volunteer of SahajeevanamPaliative Care felicitated the keynote address. Then there was a sensitization rally in the town. Around 120 students from the Department of Economics have participated in the rally. The students conducted a flash mob in different locations of Palakkad town and collected funds for the Sahajeevanam Palliative care. The collected amount of rupees 50, 000 was handed over to Sahajeevanam by the head of the department. This programme was aimed to aware the masses regarding the vision, mission, and features of palliative care institutions. The programme was a great success due to the active co-operation of people.